Saturday, October 23, 2010

EVD GB Classic caught in foreign control of position to defend the right to speak

Yesterday, shareholders of the General Assembly just concluded Beijing E-EVD technology providers face multiple questions. As the E-world shareholder agreed to be introduced on the British Broadcasting Corporation, EVD will face a national standard by the foreign control of embarrassing situations. Yesterday afternoon, Jindianjituan Zhang Baoquan, chairman of the centennial auditorium to participate in the film "Mount Dingjun" premiere, said that this code has no intention to give up the right to speak on the EVD industry.

E-world foreign shareholder bent lead

The day before yesterday afternoon, the secret at the Friendship Hotel Fu States held a provisional shareholders meeting. Sources said a week ago, the day of general meeting of shareholders held in E-world main theme for the "recall" President Hao Jie, Jie Hao suspected of official occupation and was once detained by the police. To avoid the media, the General Assembly, the heavily guarded site. However, a shareholder representatives attended the meeting told reporters yesterday, to be found after the core issues throughout the meeting was changed, the last General Assembly adopted Fu NME country and the United Kingdom signed the cooperation agreement.

The shareholder representatives said the core issues throughout the meeting was concluded with the British NME Fu country's cooperation agreement. "In fact, this will not open meaning not open big, big shareholders, SVA is to bring together all voted in favor. Eventually Amoi, BBK, Kim Jong-il and the Beijing representative of the fire horse on the NME Microelectronics shareholders abstained from voting on the resolution The remaining 10 shareholders voted in favor. "

The shareholder representatives said on NME Radio to promote cooperation with E-world is not based on the development of EVD industry, but eager to recover the E-world's 20 million yuan of funds owed. Because in the E-world co-operation agreement with the NME clear that E-world is only to continue to cooperate with the NME, in order to get 2.5 million U.S. dollars. Continue to cooperate after the 28th of this month to 2.5 million U.S. dollars by the NME country designated by Fu to SVA.

The Shareholder Representative further said that in the course of the meeting, shareholders also on behalf of shareholders and the Supervisory Board re-election by show of hands vote, but the question did not involve the entire conference Jie Hao, Jie Hao did not attend the meeting that day.

As Wang Zhigang, general manager of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation chairman has resigned from the E-world job, the day's shareholder meeting, SVA is also proposed to serve as a consultancy named Executive Vice President E-World, the company president, Jie Hao's case before the end of , for the time being to maintain the normal operation of the company.

Be introduced first repayment being questioned

"This form of shareholders is a walk to force non-spot, we can not vote. In fact, throughout the meeting to express their views are on the radio and television, but things simply do not fly attract investment." Yesterday, a representative of the shareholders of participants expressed strongly questioned: "Investment NME neither the feasibility report, and no substantive discussions. the fundamental purpose of SVA is to recover the arrears."

"Even the introduction of NME, we still hope that these shareholders controlled by the Chinese side, but SVA ultimately the right to operate the E-world and hand over to the foreign capital. Is this for?" E-world's third-largest shareholder, Beijing Fire Horse Microelectronics behalf of Xu Feng said yesterday: "As a listed company, SVA holding the right of the more fancy than a mere 20 million yuan."

EVD's largest investor, Jindianjituan chairman Zhang Baoquan yesterday that he would, as it is not E-world shareholder, the inconvenience of the E-world board of directors position, but he thought: Since this code Jie Hao was charged in connection job occupation, according to a criminal priority, the introduction of the funds should be returned Jindianjituan, rather than on the radio and television.

"Jie Hao has been described in CD-ROM capacity of NME's technical advantages. But if the use of NME's technology, China is the entire disc players and CD production business enterprise not only to reinvent, but to pay huge royalties. Such a bother, but also altogether as we do with the control by a foreign patent Blu-ray DVD, pay the patent fees might also be less. Jie Hao intended simply doubtful. "Zhang Baoquan says to reporters yesterday.

This Code, the right words to defend EVD

Yesterday, a familiar scene Fu domestic industry sources, the E-world is much more than less on radio and television, Jindianjituan money. Little is known about E-World owed more than 1,000 yuan a pawn "usury." Jie Hao is currently released on bail, the police investigation is at a supplementary stage.

The source speculated that SVA will strongly contribute to the annual general meeting and the NME Fu States joint venture projects may still Jie Hao behind front. But the E-world of "hole" in the end how much I believe in the outstanding case before Jie Hao, none of the foreign listed companies will tend to add money to your E-world account.

In this regard, Zhang Baoquan said yesterday, Jie Hao has been telling stories with EVD, using these stories everywhere "Investment", "but in the end such a story can tell how long?"

Nevertheless, Zhang Baoquan still try to defend this code in the EVD industry voice. According to Zhang Baoquan introduced digital cinema era of China as China's first private digital cinema line, established only six months, and made great achievements, to the end of last year, has joined the development of nearly 400 screens throughout Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shaanxi , Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, more than 20 provinces. Currently, funding 200 million yuan in the national plan to build 50 Studios has been fully pushed.

"Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hunan have eight studios to identify and invest in construction sites, of which three have been in business selling tickets this month. Expected end of the year, time China joined the self and the screen will reach more than 3000 . then, we will become the largest Chinese film market, cinemas, you say eight major Hollywood studios Which will not give up easily EVD? "Zhang Baoquan speech full of confidence between the showing.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Huayin Electric Power

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聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺绠$悊閮ㄥ垎璐熻矗鍏ㄧ郴缁熺殑绠$悊銆佺淮鎶ゃ?绯荤粺绠$悊鍔熻兘鍖呮嫭锛?br />
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聽聽聽聽 涓轰簡淇濊瘉绯荤粺鐨勫畨鍏ㄦ?锛屽繀椤昏繘琛岀敤鎴风鐞嗕互鎷掔粷闈炴硶鐢ㄦ埛瀵圭郴缁熸垨鍚堟硶鐢ㄦ埛瀵瑰叾鏃犳潈璁块棶閮ㄥ垎鐨勮闂?鐢ㄦ埛绠$悊瀹炵幇浜嗕互涓嬪姛鑳斤細

聽聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勬坊鍔犮?鍒犻櫎銆佷慨鏀?br />
聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勬巿鏉冪鐞?br />
聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勫彛浠ょ鐞?br />
鏁版嵁绠$悊锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 鏁版嵁绠$悊璐熻矗鏁版嵁瀛樺偍鐨勫畨鍏ㄣ?鐢变簬纭欢銆佺郴缁熻蒋浠剁殑鏁呴殰鎴栧悎娉曠敤鎴烽敊璇搷浣滃彲鑳界牬鍧忓凡瀛樺偍鐨勬暟鎹?鏁版嵁绠$悊璐熻矗鏁版嵁鐨勫畾鏃跺浠藉拰鍦ㄥ繀瑕佹椂杩涜鏁版嵁鐨勬仮澶嶃?

聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺寮?彂杩愯鐜

聽聽聽聽 缃戠粶鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛歐indows NT 4.0

聽聽聽聽 鍏叡淇℃伅鍙戝竷骞冲彴锛歁S IIS

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聽聽聽聽 鏁版嵁搴撳钩鍙帮細Oracle銆丮S SQL Server 6.5

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聽聽聽聽 鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛歐indows 95/Windows NT Workstation 4.0

聽聽聽聽 淇℃伅浜ゆ崲鍜岀數瀛愰偖浠讹細MS Outlook

聽聽聽聽 Web 娴忚鍣細MS IE

鍦哄垎鏋?br />
Huayin Electric Power Company is a large group, consists of a number of branches and companies, the company in January 16, 1993 incorporated company has the power, real estate, investment, technology and other areas of significant gains, With the constant development of the company will inevitably required to achieve e-commerce platform (BTOB), to become shareholders in mind the blue chip stocks, high-tech stocks, high-speed growth stock, the corporation has really become: in order to achieve the first objective of maximizing investor returns, and to invest in electricity as the main investment company, diversifying the structure of assets; meet the needs of Hunan Power Development, the whole country, to become shareholders, in particular, the controlling shareholder of Hunan Electric Power Company in the domestic capital market, capital operation and financing window company window company.

Site elements
聽鍗庨摱缃戠珯涓婚〉鍩烘湰甯冨眬濡備笅锛?br />

Home Function

1) The activities of advertising time to change the advertising of main content, advertising to Huayin internal advertising and advertising-based group of other branches, but also facilitate the future division site home page and connect to other activities Huayin Electric Power Company released with;

2) Huayin Company icon area displays Huayin Electric companies mark as well as a future site Links to other use;

3) Help the main application provides a simple web site to help, for example: the common can not see some results, mainly linked IE4.0 help information;

4) the main provider of domestic and advertising services advertising services, fees and charges can be provided outside the advertising business;

5) Recruitment main function is the Internet's powerful resource information for all aspects of Huayin Electric Power Company to attract the elite, to the rapid development of enterprises laid a solid foundation;

6) Contact the main text to provide Huayin introduced Huayin Electric company profile, address, zip code, telephone and other basic information;

7) About Huayin to detail the various aspects of the company and background;

8) Make home page provides the user can set IE home page Huayin site's home page;

9) bookmark user-friendly access to sites, web site URL directly Huayin IE bookmarks added items;

11) Site Channel navigation area displays the main channel Huayin site, and links to relevant content;

12) The title of main flow of the day from left to right display important news, Huayin the stock market and other short message;

13) News pictures show Huayin Electric Power Company of main building, Huayin important news, the importance of the domestic power industry news, a major international power industry news;

14) Link Link site area displays icons and text;

15) Huayin network of main text lists the WebMaster E-mail address, and automatically hit live on the local computer mail system to automatically generate new messages;

16) of main implementation technology exchange online information exchange, enhance the technical capacity of the backbone of Huayin technology, this feature is to use the BBS form of expression;

17) Electric Power Hunan few contacts at all levels can achieve the power sector, power equipment and power lines maintenance company, design and construction company contact information related to online inquiries, contact business partners to facilitate quick cleaning;

18) The survey area the same style and Netease, mainly highlighting the national tariff line survey, attention degree;

19) Member registration area to provide the same functionality as the, members can subscribe to Huayin related annual reports, latest news, public notices, news about power;

Huayin site specific content channels as follows:
About Huayin Channel


Channel power law

Power Channel

Channel Power Books

Power Knowledge Channel

Huayin Supply Channel

Huayin Electric Power Engineering Channel

High-tech channel

Real Estate Channel

娴峰崡鐪侀偖鐢电鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁?br />
聽聽聽 娴峰崡鐪侀偖鐢电鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熸槸浠ョ數淇¢儴涓虹綉缁滅鐞嗕腑蹇冿紝閫氳繃Internet 鍜屼笅灞為儴闂ㄧ浉杩?鎺ワ紱 浠ョ數淇¢儴涓氬姟涓烘牳蹇冿紝闈㈠悜涓氬姟澶勭悊鐨勬渶鏂癐nternet 鍏ㄩ潰瑙e喅鏂规銆?br />
聽聽聽 閽堝鐢ㄦ埛鐗瑰畾闇?眰锛孲iTech棣栧厛鎻愪緵鏀垮簻淇℃伅鍙戝竷銆佺敤鎴疯璇佷腑蹇冦?搴旂敤鍔犲瘑銆佸崗鍚屽紡宸ヤ綔娴佹敮鎸佸钩鍙板拰鏃ュ織绠$悊浜斾釜瀛愮郴缁燂紝骞跺鍔犱簡涓氬姟绠$悊銆佺洃鐫f鏌ャ?甯傚満寮?彂鍐崇瓥绛夊瓙绯荤粺銆?br />

1銆侀」鐩儗鏅祫鏂?br />
聽聽聽 娴峰崡鐪侀偖鐢靛眬鐢典俊閫氫俊閮ㄥ叏闈㈣礋璐e叏鐪佺殑鐢典俊涓氬姟锛岀粍缁囩粨鏋勪笂瀹冧互鐢典俊閫氫俊閮ㄤ负鏍稿績閮ㄩ棬銆佽鐩栧叏鐪?9涓競鍘块偖鐢甸儴闂紝3涓幇涓氬眬锛涘叏闈㈣礋璐e叏鐪佺殑鍚勭被閫氫俊涓氬姟鐨勮鍒掋?璁捐寮?彂銆佽繍琛岀淮鎶ょ鐞嗕互鍙婂競鍦鸿惀閿?瓑涓氬姟銆?br />
聽聽聽 杩戝嚑骞存潵锛岀數淇¢儴鍦ㄥ姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲涓殑搴旂敤锛屽皻澶勫湪钀屽彂闃舵銆傛湁10浣欓儴鐢佃剳锛屽湪灏戞暟閮ㄤ綅鍜岄儴闂ㄥ垎绔嬶紝鐢ㄤ簬绠?崟淇℃伅鍜屾枃瀛楀鐞嗭紝鎬讳綋涓婁笉鑳芥弧瓒冲疄闄呭伐浣滅殑闇?眰锛屼富瑕佽〃鐜板湪濡備笅鏂归潰锛?br />
聽聽 锛?锛夊悇鐜妭涓殑鏂囨。鍜屾姤琛ㄧ殑褰㈡垚锛屽潎閲囩敤鎵嬪伐鏂瑰紡锛屾晥鐜囦綆銆佹爣鍑嗗寲绋嬪害宸紝鏃犳硶閫傚簲鐢典俊绠$悊涓氬姟瀵瑰ぇ閲忔枃瀛楀鐞嗗伐浣滅殑闇?眰銆?br />
聽聽 锛?锛夋。妗堢殑褰掓。涓庤皟闃呴噰鐢ㄦ墜宸ョ鐞嗘ā寮忥紝娌℃湁瀹炵幇璁$畻鏈虹綉缁滃寲绠$悊锛屾煡鎵鹃?搴︽參銆佺鐞嗘墜娈佃惤鍚庛?鏁堢巼浣庛?

聽聽 锛?锛夐殢鐫?浗瀹堕?淇′簨涓氱殑鍙戝睍锛岄?淇℃湇鍔$殑浜烘暟涓嶆柇澧炲姞锛屼俊鎭噺鍔犲ぇ锛屾墜宸ユ煡鎵炬柟寮忓凡涓嶈兘閫傚簲绠$悊宸ヤ綔鐨勮姹傘?

聽聽 寤虹珛涓?鐜颁唬鍖栫殑鐢典俊绠$悊绯荤粺鏄姞寮哄拰瀹屽杽鐢典俊绠$悊锛岃繘涓?娣卞寲绠$悊鏂瑰紡鏀归潻锛屾彁楂樺姙鍏晥鐜囷紝鏇村ソ鍦板彂鎸ョ數淇¢儴绠$悊鑱岃兘鐨勯渶瑕併?鐢ㄧ幇浠e寲鎵嬫鏉ラ?搴旂數淇$鐞嗗伐浣滐紝鍋氬埌鐢典俊绠$悊鐜颁唬鍖栥?鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栥?绠$悊绉戝鍖栵紝鍒╃敤璁$畻鏈虹綉缁滆繘琛岀數淇$鐞嗗娍鍦ㄥ繀琛屻?


鍏枃绠$悊瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽 鍏枃绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁鐢典俊閮ㄥ鍏枃鐨勭鐞嗗姙娉曪紝瀹炵幇瀵瑰叕鏂囩鐞嗚繘琛屽叏闈㈣绠楁満鍖栫鐞嗭紝鐜板湪澶勭悊鐨勫師鍒欐槸锛?br />
聽聽聽 淇濈暀鐜版湁鐨勫叕鏂囩鐞嗘祦绋嬨?

聽聽聽 寮?彂鍏枃绠$悊杈呭姪绯荤粺 銆?br />
聽聽聽 鐢佃矾璋冨害杈呭姪绠$悊瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽 鐢佃矾璋冨害绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝鐜版湁閭數鎬诲眬鐨勩?銆堢數璺皟搴︾鐞嗙郴缁熴?銆夛紝涓昏杩涜鍏ㄧ渷鐨勭數璺皟搴︺?

聽聽聽聽 杩愯缁存姢瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 杩愯缁存姢绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁鐢典俊閮ㄨ繍琛岀淮鎶ょ瀵瑰叾涓氬姟鐨勭鐞嗗姙娉曪紝瀹炵幇瀵硅繍琛岀淮鎶ょ鐨勪笟鍔¤繘琛屽叏闈㈣绠楁満鍖栫鐞嗭紝浠ヤ究瀹炴椂鍦板涓氬姟杩涜绠$悊銆?br />
聽聽聽 宸ョ▼绠$悊瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽 宸ョ▼绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁鐢典俊閮ㄥ宸ョ▼鐨勫缓璁?瀹℃牳銆佺珛椤广?宸ョ▼璁捐銆佹柦宸ュ強绔e伐绠$悊鍔炴硶锛屽疄鐜板宸ョ▼杩囩▼鐨勫叏闈㈣绠楁満鍖栫鐞嗭紝浠ヤ究瀹炴椂鍦板宸ョ▼涓氬姟杩涜绠$悊

聽聽聽 鐩戠潱妫?煡绉戝瓙绯荤粺

聽聽聽 鐩戠潱妫?煡瀛愮郴缁熶富瑕佸洿缁曠洃鐫f鏌ョ鐨勪笟鍔℃潵璁捐銆傛捣鍗楃渷鐢典俊閫氫俊閮ㄧ洃鐫f鏌ョ鍏ㄩ潰璐熻矗鍏ㄧ渷鐨勭數淇$洃鐫f鏌ヤ笟鍔★紝涓昏宸ヤ綔鍒嗕负鍏ぇ閮ㄥ垎锛?br />
聽聽聽 鐩戠潱妫?煡璁″垝瀹炴柦涓氬姟锛?br />
聽聽聽 鏈嶅姟璐ㄩ噺鑰冭瘎涓氬姟锛?br />
聽聽聽 澶勭悊鐢ㄦ埛鎶曡瘔涓氬姟锛?br />
聽聽聽 鐫e姙鍌姙涓氬姟锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 妫?煡鏁存敼涓氬姟锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 鏉ヤ俊鏉ヨ涓氬姟銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 涓氬姟绠$悊瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 涓氬姟绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁涓氬姟绉戝涓氬姟鐨勭鐞嗗姙娉曪紝瀹炵幇瀵逛笟鍔$鐞嗚繃绋嬬殑鍏ㄩ潰璁$畻鏈哄寲绠$悊锛屼互渚垮疄鏃跺湴瀵逛笟鍔¤繘琛岀鐞嗐?

聽聽聽聽 缁煎悎妫?煡瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 缁煎悎妫?煡涓氬姟绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁缁煎悎妫?煡绉戝鍏朵笟鍔$殑绠$悊鍔炴硶锛屽疄鐜板涓氬姟绠$悊杩囩▼鐨勫叏闈㈣绠楁満鍖栫鐞嗭紝浠ヤ究瀹炴椂鍦板涓氬姟杩涜绠$悊銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 缃戠粶缁勭粐瀛愮郴缁?br />

聽聽聽聽 姣忓勾缁勭粐鍚勫競鍘垮眬鍙婄浉鍏充笓涓氬眬缁樺埗闀块?骞茬嚎缃戠粶鍥惧拰鍚勫競鍘跨綉缁滃浘銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 鏍规嵁鍏ㄧ渷缃戠粶杩愯鎯呭喌锛屽強鏃跺悜閭數閮ㄦ彁鍑虹渷缃戠粶鍙婄渷闄呬簩绾х數璺鍒掔殑鍏蜂綋寤鸿锛岀‘淇濈渷闄呯綉缁滆繍琛岀殑瀹夊叏鍙潬銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛甯屾湜寤虹珛鐩磋鐨勫彲瑙嗗熀浜嶮APINFO 鐨凣IS绯荤粺锛屽彲浠ユ煡璇紝淇敼鍩烘湰淇℃伅銆?br />

聽聽聽聽 淇℃伅鍙戝竷瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 淇℃伅鍙戝竷瀛愮郴缁熸槸瀹炵幇浜嗐?鐢典俊缁忚惀鍔ㄦ?銆嬬殑缂栬緫鍜屽彂甯冪郴缁熴?瀹炵幇浜嗛噸澶ф儏鍐甸?鐭ャ?鍔炲叕瀹や竴鑸?鐭ャ?浠ュ強绯荤粺锛堟潵鏂囥?鏂板彂鏂囷級鐨勬秷鎭紝淇℃伅鍙戝竷鎺у埗銆傝瀛愮郴缁熷垎涓哄洓閮ㄥ垎锛屽垎鍒负"绠?姤鍙戝竷"銆?amp;quot;绠?姤闃呰"銆?amp;quot;鍏憡鍙戝竷"銆?amp;quot;鍏憡闃呰"銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 甯傚満钀ラ攢瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽聽 涓氬姟绠$悊杩欓儴鍒嗭紝涓昏渚濇嵁甯傚満寮?彂绉戝鍏朵笟鍔$殑鎿嶄綔鍔炴硶锛屽疄鐜板涓氬姟绠$悊杩囩▼鐨勫叏闈㈣绠楁満鍖栫鐞嗭紝浠ヤ究瀹炴椂鍦板涓氬姟杩涜绠$悊銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺绠$悊瀛愮郴缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺绠$悊閮ㄥ垎璐熻矗鍏ㄧ郴缁熺殑绠$悊銆佺淮鎶ゃ?绯荤粺绠$悊鍔熻兘鍖呮嫭锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛绠$悊锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 涓轰簡淇濊瘉绯荤粺鐨勫畨鍏ㄦ?锛屽繀椤昏繘琛岀敤鎴风鐞嗕互鎷掔粷闈炴硶鐢ㄦ埛瀵圭郴缁熸垨鍚堟硶鐢ㄦ埛瀵瑰叾鏃犳潈璁块棶閮ㄥ垎鐨勮闂?鐢ㄦ埛绠$悊瀹炵幇浜嗕互涓嬪姛鑳斤細

聽聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勬坊鍔犮?鍒犻櫎銆佷慨鏀?br />
聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勬巿鏉冪鐞?br />
聽聽聽 鐢ㄦ埛鐨勫彛浠ょ鐞?br />
鏁版嵁绠$悊锛?br />
聽聽聽聽 鏁版嵁绠$悊璐熻矗鏁版嵁瀛樺偍鐨勫畨鍏ㄣ?鐢变簬纭欢銆佺郴缁熻蒋浠剁殑鏁呴殰鎴栧悎娉曠敤鎴烽敊璇搷浣滃彲鑳界牬鍧忓凡瀛樺偍鐨勬暟鎹?鏁版嵁绠$悊璐熻矗鏁版嵁鐨勫畾鏃跺浠藉拰鍦ㄥ繀瑕佹椂杩涜鏁版嵁鐨勬仮澶嶃?

聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺寮?彂杩愯鐜

聽聽聽聽 缃戠粶鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛歐indows NT 4.0

聽聽聽聽 鍏叡淇℃伅鍙戝竷骞冲彴锛歁S IIS

聽聽聽聽 鐢靛瓙閭欢骞冲彴锛歁S Exchange Server

聽聽聽聽 鏁版嵁搴撳钩鍙帮細Oracle銆丮S SQL Server 6.5

聽聽聽聽 宸ヤ綔绔欑郴缁熷钩鍙帮細

聽聽聽聽 鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛歐indows 95/Windows NT Workstation 4.0

聽聽聽聽 淇℃伅浜ゆ崲鍜岀數瀛愰偖浠讹細MS Outlook

聽聽聽聽 Web 娴忚鍣細MS IE


聽聽聽聽 鍦扮悊淇℃伅绯荤粺璧锋簮浜庝簩鍗佷笘绾叚鍗佸勾浠f湭鏈燂紝瀹冩槸鐢卞湴鐞嗗銆佸埗鍥惧銆侀仴鎰熶笌鎽勫奖娴嬮噺瀛︺?璁$畻鏈篊AD鎶?湳銆佹暟鎹簱鎶?湳绛夊绉戝拰鎶?湳缁煎悎鍙戝睍鑰屾潵鐨勩?闅?鐫?绠楁満鎶?湳鐨勫彂灞曪紝浜轰滑瀵逛俊鎭彲瑙嗗寲鐨勯渶姹傛棩鐩婅揩鍒囷紝鍦扮悊淇℃伅鎶?湳骞挎硾搴旂敤浜庡嚑涔庢墍鏈変笌鑷劧鐣屾湁鍏崇殑棰嗗煙鍜岃涓氥?鐩墠锛屽湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁?GIS)宸查?姝ユ垚涓鸿绠楁満搴旂敤鎶?湳棰嗗煙涓渶鍏风敓鍛藉姏鐨勪竴涓垎鏀紝鍏舵妧鏈篃鏃ヨ秼鎴愮啛銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 鎹粺璁″湴鐞冭〃闈?5锛呬互涓婄殑淇℃伅鍏锋湁鍦扮悊淇℃伅鐨勬垚浠斤紝鏈変汉绉?1涓栫邯灏嗘垚涓哄湴鐞嗕俊鎭笘绾紝鍦扮悊淇℃伅鎶?湳灏嗘笚閫忓埌浜轰滑鏃ュ父鐢熸椿涓殑姣忎釜瑙掕惤锛屽嚭鍘绘梾娓稿厛鐪嬬湅鐢ㄥ湴鐞嗕俊鎭妧鏈灦鏋勭殑鏃呮父缃戠珯锛岃杞︽椂宸茬粡绂讳笉寮?椂鏃朵负浣犳樉绀洪亾璺殑杞﹁浇GPS绯荤粺锛岄搧璺鐞嗛儴闂ㄦ兂瑕佺伀杞︽彁閫燂紝閭e繀椤昏鐢ㄥ湴鐞嗕俊鎭妧鏈ソ濂藉垎鏋愪竴涓嬮搧璺礋杞芥儏鍐碉紝浜ら?銆佺數鍔涖?鐢典俊銆佹按鍒┿?鍏畨绛夌瓑鍑犱箮鎵?湁閮ㄩ棬閮界涓嶅紑鍦扮悊淇℃伅绯荤粺銆?br />

聽聽聽聽 娌冲崡鐪佺數淇″眬鏄腑鍥界數淇$殑绗笁澶х渷绾у垎鍏徃锛屼负浜嗘洿濂界殑杩涜鐢典俊缃戠粶绠$悊锛屾彁楂樿嚜韬殑绔炰簤鍔涳紝鍐冲畾閲囩敤鍦扮悊淇℃伅鎶?湳锛屾瀯寤虹患鍚堣繍琛岀淮鎶や俊鎭郴缁熴?杩欏氨闇?鏈変竴涓叿鏈夊湴鐞嗕俊鎭鐞嗚兘鍔涘苟鍙繘琛屼簩娆″紑鍙戠殑杞欢骞冲彴锛屽浗澶栬憲鍚嶇殑鍦扮悊淇℃伅杞欢Arc/Info銆丮apInfo鍜屽浗鍐呯殑SuperMap绛夐兘鏈夎繖鏍风殑浜у搧銆傛渤鍗楃數淇″眬閫氳繃瀵逛笂杩颁骇鍝佺殑鑰冨療锛屽喅瀹氬埄鐢ㄧ珵鏍囩殑鏂瑰紡鍐冲畾閲囩敤鍝釜鍘傚鐨勩?鍙傚姞绔炴爣鏈塎apInfo涓浗鍏徃銆佹渤鍗楃敓鑱斿叕鍙哥瓑5瀹讹紝鏈?悗鎴戜滑鍒╃敤鎶?湳鍜屼环鏍间紭鍔垮彇寰椾簡娌冲崡鐢典俊灞?00濂楃殑璁㈠崟锛屾瘡濂?000鍏冧汉姘戝竵銆?br />
聽聽聽聽 鍦ㄨ繖涓」鐩腑鎴戜滑闈炲父鎰熻阿鎴戜滑鐨勫悎浣滀紮浼翠腑鍥戒汉姘戣В鏀惧啗淇℃伅宸ョ▼澶у娴嬬粯瀛﹂櫌锛屼粬浠槸鍥藉唴鍦扮悊淇℃伅鎶?湳鐨勯鑸憳锛屽湪杩欎釜椤圭洰涓紝浠栦滑鐨勫姞鍏ヨ捣鍒颁簡寰堝ぇ鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ?

聽聽聽聽 鎴戜滑鏇剧粡鍋氳繃鐨勭浉浼肩殑椤圭洰鏈夛細

?聽 娌冲崡鐢典俊灞?繍琛岀淮鎶ょ郴缁?br />

聽聽聽 娌冲崡鐢典俊杩欏嚑骞寸殑鍙戝睍瓒婃潵瓒婂揩锛屾渤鍗楃渷鎷ユ湁鏈変竴浜垮浜猴紝鏄腑鍥戒汉鍙f渶澶氱殑鐪佷唤锛岀浉褰撲簬2涓煩鍥介偅涔堝ぇ锛屽叾涓皢杩?0%宸茬粡鏄渤鍗楃數淇$殑瀹㈡埛锛岃?鍙﹀鐨?0%鏄渤鍗楃數淇$殑娼滃湪瀹㈡埛銆傛渤鍗楃數淇$幇鎷ユ湁鍛樺伐9涓囧鍚嶏紝鏈?9涓湴甯傚垎灞?紝骞存敹鍏ュ皢杩戙? . . ,


聽聽聽聽 浣撳埗鏀归潻鍚庯紝涓浗鐢典俊涓嶅啀鍨勬柇涓浗鐨勭數淇¤涓氾紝鑱旈?銆佺Щ鍔ㄣ?缃戦?銆侀搧閫氱瓑绛夌浉缁т骇鐢燂紝涓浗鐢典俊鎯充粛鐒朵繚鎸佷紭鍔匡紝蹇呴』娣卞寲鏀归潻锛屼紭鍖栫數淇$綉鐨勮繍钀ヨ兘鍔涳紝鎻愰珮瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟璐ㄩ噺銆備紶缁熺殑缃戠粶绠$悊鎵嬫宸茬粡涓嶉?搴旀縺鐑堢殑绔炰簤浜嗭紝姣斿搴旀?鏁呴殰澶勭悊锛岀敱浜庝互鍓嶆病鏈夌浉搴旂殑鍒嗘瀽杞欢锛屾墍浠ユ晠闅滅殑鍒嗘瀽銆佸畾浣嶉潪甯哥紦鎱紝瀵圭敤鎴烽?鎴愬緢涓嶅ソ鐨勫奖鍝嶏紱鍐嶆瘮濡傜敤鎴锋姤瑁呮垨鑰呯嚎璺敼瑁呯殑鏃跺?锛岀敱浜庢病鏈夊湴鐞嗕俊鎭垎鏋愯蒋浠讹紝宸ョ▼瀹炴柦璐瑰姴鑰楁椂锛屽苟涓旂粡甯搁?鎴愬緢澶х殑娴垂銆傛湁浜嗚繖涓湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁燂紝灏嗕粠鏍规湰涓婅В鍐宠繖浜涢棶棰橈紝鍏锋湁鍦扮悊淇℃伅澶勭悊鍒嗘瀽鑳藉姏鐨勭數淇¤繍琛岀淮鎶ょ郴缁熷皢瀵圭數淇$綉缁滅殑杩愯銆佺淮鎶ゃ?鐢熶骇銆佷紭鍖栧伐浣滆捣鍒拌川鐨勫彉鍖栥?

Project Management

宸ュ叿鍜屾妧鏈?br />
1. 寮?彂宸ュ叿

聽聽聽 a) Visual Studio C++

聽聽聽 b) java

2. 寮?彂鏂瑰紡鍜屾妧鏈?br />
聽聽聽 鍒嗗竷寮忔暟鎹簱鎶?湳

聽聽聽 COM缁勪欢鎶?湳

寮?彂妯″紡鍜岀粍缁?br />
聽聽聽聽 GIS杞欢骞冲彴鐨勫紑鍙戞槸涓撲笟鎬у緢寮虹殑锛岀壒鍒槸娑夊強鍒版嫇鎵戝垎鏋愬拰绌洪棿鍒嗘瀽鐨勭畻娉曟湁涓?畾鐨勯毦搴︼紝涓轰簡楂樻晥浼樿川鍦板畬鎴愭椤圭洰鐨勫紑鍙戜换鍔★紝鎴戜滑鍜岄儜宸炴祴缁樺闄㈣繘琛屼簡鎶?湳鍚堜綔锛屽叡鍚屽紑鍙戣繖涓」鐩?

1. 椤圭洰瀹炴柦缁撴瀯褰㈠紡

聽聽聽聽 涓轰簡杩欓」鐩殑椤哄埄杩涜锛屾垚绔嬩簡鎬讳綋缁勩?绯荤粺鍒嗘瀽缁勩?鎶?湳鏀诲叧缁勫拰杞欢寮?彂缁勩?鎬讳綋缁勬湁娌冲崡鐢典俊銆佹祴缁樺闄㈠拰鏄撳崥鍚勪竴浜虹粍鎴愶紝鎶婃彙鏁翠綋鏂规銆傜郴缁熷垎鏋愮粍鏈夋槗鍗氬拰娴嬬粯瀛﹂櫌鍚勪竴浜虹粍鎴愶紝瀹屾垚绯荤粺璁捐銆傛妧鏈敾鍏崇粍鐢辨祴缁樺闄竴鍚嶅拰鏄撳崥涓ゅ悕鍏变笁浜虹粍鎴愶紝璐熻矗GIS鐨勭畻鍙戠殑鎶?湳鏀诲叧宸ヤ綔銆傝蒋浠跺紑鍙戠敱鏄撳崥鐨勪簲浣嶅憳宸ョ粍鎴愶紝涓昏璐熻矗缂栫▼鐨勮繃绋嬨?

2. 涓昏鎶?湳浜哄憳鍙婂叾鎶?湳鑳屾櫙

聽聽聽聽 涓嬮潰鐨勮〃鏍兼槸杩欎釜椤圭洰鐨勪富瑕佸弬涓庝汉鍛樼殑鍩烘湰鎯呭喌銆?br />

聽聽聽 寮?彂椤圭洰鐨勫湴鐐?br />
聽聽聽 娌冲崡鐪侀儜宸炲競銆?br />Project Plan

聽聽聽聽 椤圭洰鐨勬寮忓惎鍔ㄦ槸鍦?000骞?鏈堬紝2000骞?鏈堟瑕佽璁″畬鎴愶紝2000骞?2鏈堝畬鎴愭祴璇曠増鏈紝2001骞?鏈堝畬鎴愪骇鍝併?椤圭洰鏄弗鏍兼寜鐓ч」鐩紑鍙戣鍒掍功瀹炴柦鐨勶紝骞朵笖鏄緢鎴愬姛瀹炴柦鐨勩?


聽聽聽聽 2000骞?鏈?-2000骞?鏈?姒傝璁捐

聽聽聽聽 2000骞?鏈?-2000骞?鏈?璇︾粏璁捐

聽聽聽聽 2000骞?9 鏈?-2000骞?2鏈?缂栫爜銆佹祴璇曪紝鎺ㄥ嚭V1.0

聽聽聽聽 2001骞?鏈?鍦ㄦ渤鍗楃數淇″眬姝e紡浣跨敤



聽聽聽聽 涓?釜鍏锋湁200澶氫釜GIS澶勭悊鍔熻兘鐨勬帴鍙e嚱鏁扮殑鎺т欢锛屾敮鎸佸绉岹IS鏁版嵁杞崲锛屾敮鎸佹暟鎹簱鍜屾枃浠朵袱绉嶅瓨鏀炬暟鎹殑褰㈠紡銆?br />

1) 鍔熻兘瀹屽

聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺鎻愪緵浜嗗畬澶囩殑鍦扮悊淇℃伅澶勭悊鍔熻兘锛屼粠鏁版嵁鍑嗗銆佸湴鍥炬樉绀恒?鏌ヨ鍒嗘瀽銆佸埗鍥捐緭鍑虹洿鍒版暟鎹簱鐨勭鐞嗭紱

2) 浣撶郴缁撴瀯鍏堣繘

聽聽聽聽 绯荤粺閲囩敤浜咰lient/Server浣撶郴缁撴瀯鍜屽眰娆″寲璁捐锛屼负绯荤粺灏嗘潵鍚戜笁灞傜粨鏋勩?Web GIS銆佹帶浠跺紡GIS銆佸叏鍏崇郴鍨婫IS杞崲濂犲畾浜嗚壇濂界殑鍩虹锛?br />
3) 鍚勯儴鍒嗗姛鑳界揣瀵嗛泦鎴?br />
聽聽聽聽 鏈郴缁熶腑鐨勫悇涓姛鑳芥ā鍧楀叡浜悓涓?鍐呭瓨鏁版嵁缁撴瀯锛岀揣瀵嗗湴闆嗘垚鍦ㄥ悓涓?釜妗嗘灦涔嬩笅锛屼粠鑰屽彲浠ュ鍚勭鍔熻兘杩涜浠绘剰缁勫悎锛屽畬鎴愬悇绉嶇壒瀹氭搷浣滐紱

4) 鍔熻兘寮哄ぇ銆佷娇鐢ㄧ伒娲荤殑搴旂敤缂栫▼鎺ュ彛

聽聽聽聽 鏈郴缁熸彁渚涚殑ComGIS鎺т欢锛屽彲浠ュ湪浠讳綍鏀寔ActiveX鎺т欢鐨勫紑鍙戝伐鍏蜂腑浣跨敤锛岃兘澶熷皢寮哄ぇ鐨勫湴鐞嗕俊鎭鐞嗗姛鑳藉祵鍏ュ埌鐢ㄦ埛鑷繁寮?彂鐨勫簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忎腑鍘伙紝浠ユ渶澶ч檺搴﹀湴鍙戞尌鍦扮悊淇℃伅绯荤粺鐨勫钩鍙版敮鎾戜綔鐢ㄣ?


聽聽聽聽 杩欎釜绯荤粺鎴愬姛瀹炴柦鍚庯紝娌冲崡鐢典俊鏄渶澶х殑璧㈠銆傚鏋滀娇鐢∕apInfo銆丄rc/Info 绛変骇鍝侊紝棣栧厛浠锋牸涓婃槸闈炲父鏄傝吹鐨勶紝涓?Map/Info闇?5涓囧锛屼竴濂桝rc/Info闇?鍗佸嚑涓囷紝鏈?究瀹滅殑鍥戒骇杞欢涔熻3涓囧銆傝?鎴戜滑鐨勮蒋浠跺彧鍗?000鍏冿紝浠?00濂楄绠楋紝鎵?0涓囥?濡傛灉璐拱甯傚満涓婄殑杞欢锛屾渶渚垮疁鐨勪篃寰?00澶氫竾锛?br />
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聽聽聽 鏈郴缁熺殑寮?彂鏄洜涓烘渤鍗楃數淇$殑椤圭洰锛屼絾鏄湰绯荤粺寮?彂鐨勫緱鍒扮殑浜у搧鏄?鐢ㄧ殑锛屽畠鍙互鐢ㄤ簬鏋勫缓浜哄拰搴旂敤棰嗗煙鐨凣IS绯荤粺銆?br />


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"The new Two Most Honorable Knights prequel" Land of Artifact extension detailed Raiders

Extension and the story has always been an important part of stand-alone RPG game. "New Two Most Honorable Knights prequel", there are many extensions for the development of the plot has a significant impact. One of the most important extension to the number of "Land of Artifact" branch line. Surely we all want to see the heroine of the game, "Sapphire" resurrection ending. You can not not do it, "Land of Artifact" branch line. Since the extension of the trigger and implementation of a more complex condition. Served here, particularly for the extension of the detailed strategy.

Task time: the last entry before the Grand Palace

Detailed strategy:

"Grieving Valley" The Rite of the end of obsession, everybody was after the fire of nuclear siderite, awaiting leave, suddenly saw a big dragon in front of the sacred glory Sheng, loomed care here Mingyuan Shenjun real body. If the player who did not bring the little girl from the port obtained on the "green Sachet," then here can not lead to Mingyuan Shen Jun, skip this extension. Blue Sachet need players to Valley prior to the grieving girl on the harbor and the dialogue was!

As the "green Sachet" effect, Ming-yuan Shen Jun appeared to enter the Valley of Stone Inscriptions in the text and sapphire crystal Prayer surgery two test Yannan Tian, Yan Nantian two answers are correct, I believe Yannan Tian Ming Yuen Shen Jun is predicted The affinity of the persons who are willing to Yannan Tian way to open the road of time, but only to the east, west, south and north four way clock, four artifact collection, through the artifacts to open "grieving Valley" the end of the four channels , defeated the four cloned Ming Yuen Shen Jun.

Finally the middle of the channel to open, re-entered prior to the lowest level of the dragon, Ming-yuan Shen Jun appeared again, to wish on Sea Empress entrusted to the people, then disappear, leaving only a piece of ground, "dripping Marking spar." The air came the soft voice of women, described as Yannan Tian and others long ago fell in love with the dragon on the story.

Now, Yan Nantian the Goddess is the desire on the sea, she will in time and his ilk in my Baby, Yan Nantian has been operating on the sea when all the power of the empress, and can manipulate time, dripping Marking spar, spar, but to open the it can only rely on Yannan Tian own.

Sea Empress, then on to Yannan Tian recalled Sapphire has brought the story, and sure enough, as the time of Joan of jade, is the Goddess's descendants on the sea. Have a good time fleeting, Yan Nantian dripping hand engraving, tears silently fell.

This is the "Land of artifacts" of quests it! It is an important condition for resurrection Sapphire Oh, like the lovely jade's friends must have hope and resurrection and Yan Nantian Sapphire to be adjourned to front it! Here I strongly recommend it!

Also, today, the official Raiders will be made public from time to time, please timely concern Star Universe official website:, to get the latest game Raiders.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Waves resurgence - Purple VS Sogou contest

I remember long time ago, and intelligent people who have Microsoft Pinyin input method ABC who is better and the competition in full swing. Purple input method now launched the latest V5 release, and renamed the Purple Arima Pinyin input method, although some long overdue in this update, but let love this friend very stimulating input; At the same time , Sogou (Sogou) Pinyin input method also debut, and immediately updated to bet

1, than the appearance of

1. Purple input

Purple the latest V5 release, the use of a new interface and the effect seems more pleasing to the eye, the overall feel softer. Select the text box using a short-range two-row horizontal style.

In the purple input interface to support different themes, but also added a translucent effect. Moreover, the program can be customized in appearance theme, and be able to set more detailed font, size and display style, and even select background images.

2.Sogou input

Sogou input method panel Logo occupy a large space, very visible, others are the basic functions necessary input button, the whole quite satisfactory, and purple is very similar to the input method. Select the text box is used for short-range two-row horizontal style, but can customize the number of candidate words. Candidate word can also set the font size, there are two appearance styles for your selection.

Comments: The contrast in appearance, the purple input custom look with a variety of topics slightly better, other details of two input methods are evenly matched, but Sogou input method of the Logo is too large, affecting appearance.

I remember long time ago, and intelligent people who have Microsoft Pinyin input method ABC who is better and the competition in full swing. Purple input method now launched the latest V5 release, and renamed the Purple Arima Pinyin input method, although some long overdue in this update, but let love this friend very stimulating input; At the same time , Sogou (Sogou) Pinyin input method also debut, and immediately updated to bet

Second, spell power

Apart from the UI, I am afraid we are most concerned about the efficiency of input methods, the actual input, such input word association function, enter the phrase in the efficiency of automatic memory and other functions.

1. Enter word associations, automatic memory function

(1) violet input

Purple input method can be smart group words, phrases 鑱旀兂 support for the thesaurus does not exist in the word or phrase, "purple Pinyin input method" Ke Yi search-related Words and to form the required word or phrase, and Qi accuracy is very high. Composition can be user-term automatic memory, plus memory had recently entered the words.

(2) Sogou input method

Sogou input method for a network of new words, words of the association ability is the most similar software, which can automatically analyze new words appearing on the Internet hot words such as "Li Yuchun," "Hugo", "house slaves" so, you can very easily finish! the same time, enable the user dictionary feature, but also be able to automatic memory input word ever.

2. Special abbreviated words and phrases

In order to improve the efficiency of input, we can be certain individuals commonly used words, phrases set to the appropriate abbreviation (not the standard spelling). For example, "CCTV," the abbreviation is set to "CCTV". This is a feature of the regular type of users, a very important role. "Purple Pinyin input method" has the function of specific words and phrases can be set in, while Sogou input method currently do not support this feature!

I remember long time ago, and intelligent people who have Microsoft Pinyin input method ABC who is better and the competition in full swing. Purple input method now launched the latest V5 release, and renamed the Purple Arima Pinyin input method, although some long overdue in this update, but let love this friend very stimulating input; At the same time , Sogou (Sogou) Pinyin input method also debut, and immediately updated to bet

3. Input Chinese characters Priority

Enter the priority of Chinese character input speed is also affected a key factor, we need only character first appeared in the candidate box, we can improve the efficiency.

(1) violet Pinyin input method

Users can adjust the word word, word frequency, so that commonly used words, words that display, and set priority to display the last entered character. In addition, the lexicon can also choose to automatically hide the very common words.

(2) Sogou Pinyin input method

Sogou Pinyin input method is used according to the network based on the user to define the term priority, with the thesaurus, and online search engine combining the advantages, than the usual single thesaurus to accurately some, but not related to setting priorities option. Can customize the "phonetic approach", including full-spelling, Larry, the fuzzy sound categories.

Comments: Two input function is different, purple Pinyin input method in the "special words and phrases the initials" dominance, and Sogou Pinyin input method, thanks to Internet search function, so enter the network vocabulary faster, more accurate !

3, than backing

1. Purple Pinyin input method

In the lexicon management can back up the user dictionary, including word frequency, since the coinage and other information. To clean up and modify user from the thesaurus, and support from the text of the batch import from the coinage.

2. Sogou Pinyin input method

Sogou Pinyin input method is not weak in the thesaurus function, select the backup user dictionary to a text file. To remove the user from the thesaurus, restored to the original state, but not in the set-by-view editing interface from the coinage (can import, export thesaurus feature selection to delete useless phrase).

It is worth mentioning that the Sogou Pinyin input method to support automatic updates online thesaurus, so no need to since the coinage of new words can be adaptive on-line than the Purple input method has an advantage!

Fourth, look at the potential

Today, more and more all bundled plug-ins, it's good or bad measure of a software bundle naturally to it as a standard plug-ins.

Purple Pinyin input method during the installation process, allowing users to choose whether to install the plug-in is not compulsory, it is very good. Sogou Pinyin input rule is no advertising, no plug-ins, it is hard to find!

Overall, the two software functionality and ease of use on a draw, purple Pinyin input method features a relatively complete, but the atmosphere appeared stable; Sogou Pinyin input method although the later ones, but there were many new useful features , especially for users, such as "top", "landlord", "even love" and came out directly. Of course, for the majority of users, usage is the most important.


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All Raiders Athena Sword

And CS so easy to use, cute civilians of military games, compared to group strategy featuring first-person shooter series, "Rainbow Six" is more like "Spring Snow" Petty-style-type games, players generally too It is not straightforward, not stimulating enough, but a group of military enthusiasts have instructions from their classical counter-terrorism and the best choice. 銆婂僵铏瑰叚鍙枫?绯诲垪鐨勭帺瀹剁兢鐩稿鍥哄畾锛岃?涓?00锛呭睘浜庣媯鐑殑鍐涗簨鐖卞ソ鑰咃紝褰撶劧浜烘暟涔熶笉鏄緢澶氾紝浣嗚繖涓?垏閮芥棤娉曢樆姝㈣绯诲垪鐨勭ǔ姝ュ彂灞曪紝鍘诲勾鐨勩?褰╄櫣鍏彿3锛氱浘鐗岃鍔ㄣ?涓婂競鍚庢浘涓?害杈惧埌鍏ㄧ編閿?噺姒滅6鍚嶇殑濂芥垚缁┿? Greatly encouraged by Ubisoft can not wait to announce, in September 2003 to launch its expansion pack, that is, the information will be presented during this film, "Athena Sword," but the end result of the original design team - Ubisoft Montreal Studios effort to produce a masterpiece action game "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" and had to bounce, making the task also changed by the Ubisoft Another production team, Milan, Italy studio. Bounced a check after six months, late of "Athena Sword" finally a dignified appearance.

"Rainbow Six" series produced one of Tom. Clancy is the flagship of military games, make no exception in this story adapted from their original context, the game's various military details, including weapons and equipment, scene planning , tactics, enemy tactics, etc., all designed by the authors themselves. Milan studio featuring a reason because the game arena chose Italy, Monaco, Croatia and other countries around the Mediterranean, as a general international Column Rainbow SWAT team will come to the fore in the region neo-Nazi fascist terrorists to do some contest. Terror alert has been sounded, Argentina Father Alvaro Gutierrez remote control in the prison of terrorists attempting to use chemical weapons of mass destruction endanger regional security and peace, the enemy already out in force, so that the rainbow warriors go into battle it!


Motion Control:

W/A/S/D-- around, control the direction of movement

Q - leftist spy

E - Right spy


X - squat / Sit

Ctrl - changes position

Right - Running

Arms control:

Z - for magazines

1 - the weapon of choice

2 - second choice of weapons

3 - Equipment 1

4 - Equipment 2

B - Number of switching bursts of bullets

The left mouse button - to use the weapon of choice

Alt - use the second choice of weapons

Shift - Open sniper mode

6 - list of weapons (with the arrow keys to switch weapons)

Command control:

J / K / L / Z - Alpha / Bravo / Charlie / Zulu group forward


N - the next navigation point

H - all the group to suspend operations

R - the group to suspend operations

T - Switching Control Sniper

Action control:

Mouse wheel up / down - open / close

Middle mouse button (wheel) - Fast open loop

Space - Action

5 - Open the Night Vision mode

Page Up / Page Down - (switch to) the next / previous group

End/Home-- (switch to) the next / previous player

G - Open map mode

[/] - Zoom in / out the map screen

7 - member state list

Online order control:

Tab - expired online menu

Y - all communication links

U - the set of communication links

V - Video Information

F4 - Drawing Tools

F3 - pull to vote menu

Other control:

~ - Exhale Console

F1 - full mode interface display

F2 - Circulation aim mode


銆??琛屽姩璺嚎璁捐鎺у埗锛?br />
銆??W/A/S/D锛嶏紞 涓婁笅宸﹀彸鏂瑰悜

R/F-- Map Zoom

C/X-- the previous / next floor

Q/E-- counter / clockwise rotation map

銆??Delete锛嶏紞鍒犻櫎瀵艰埅鐐?br />
Page Up - (switching to) the next navigation point

銆??Page Down锛嶏紞锛堝垏鎹㈣嚦锛変笂涓?鑸偣

Home - (switch to) the first navigation point

End - (switch to) the last navigation point

T/G-- angle up / down


4/5/6-- see red Group / Green Groups / Yellow Group


Compared with the predecessor, "Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword" added seven new weapons. These weapons of modern warfare in Europe and the United States are true army gun configuration, some or the U.S. military in the Iraq war the latest weapon for street fighting, as the military fans, we have no chance in reality access to these guns, but we must game, try to try their power. In addition, the Milan studio specifically for each guns re-recorded sound, the sound loud and crisp, full metal texture, as long as you carefully to understand, it will certainly feel the bullet shell leaving the Best Part of the friction effect and Barrel impact sound, that is Our desire is to enjoy ah.

Beretta M93R pistol (BerettaM93R):

Caliber - 9mmx19 Parabellum

Full - 240/608mm

銆??鏋闀?- 156mm

Total weight - 1120g

Magazine capacity - 20

Beretta M93R pistol Italian police departments should be required, especially companies from the Beretta pistol manufactured in a fully automatic.璇ユ灙浠ュぇ鍙楁杩庣殑M92F鎵嬫灙浣滀负璁捐鍘熷瀷锛屽湪鍚勬柟闈㈠潎鍔犱互寮哄寲鏀硅壇鑰屾垚銆?The main feature is the automatic pistol to overcome the general control of the continuous shooting is not easy when the shortcomings, the designer added a 3 for the rifle point of release of the device, as long as the Trigger a trigger can be fired three consecutive rounds of ammunition.姝ゅ锛屼负浜嗘彁楂樺皠鍑绘椂鐨勭ǔ瀹氭?锛孧93R鍏锋湁鏃㈠涓旈噸鐨勬粦濂楋紝鍦ㄦ壋鏈哄墠鏂归檮鏈夋姌杩紡鐨勫墠鎻℃妸锛岃?涓斿湪鏋洍涔熼檮鏈夊埗閫?櫒銆?M93R use the magazine is loading a significant number of capacity magazine of 20 rounds.

The specter of M4 assault rifles (Spectre M4):

Caliber - 9mmx19 Parabellum

銆??鍏ㄩ暱 - 350mm(folded)mm 580mm(extended)

Barrel length - 130mm

Total weight - 2900g

銆??寮瑰專瀹归噺 - 30/50

The specter of M4 assault rifles from Italy SITES first made public in 1983. The idea to break the original old-fashioned idea, called forward-looking and innovative.闄や簡楂樿寮归噺澶栵紝瀹冮搴﹂噰鐢ㄥ弻鍔ㄦ壋鏈轰笌闂灙鏈哄皠鍑绘ā寮忥紝灞炰簬鍏ㄦ柊鎰忎箟涓婄殑璁捐銆?Ghost with submachine guns, bolt the inside bolt, the bolt back in there one type hammer hit, the two are separate, when the next pull bolt, the hammer has hit next, and bolt after pulling in the end, bolt due to the role of recoil spring loaded bullets and then forward the top, then bolt bolt was closed state at a time when the collision is still behind the hammer, was outgoing and was the top sales withstood the state, as long as the trigger is released under the top button pin, the hammer will hit before the impact, firing a bullet to bullet firing end of the fire, when the bullet out of gun imports arising from the back seat will bolt force underwent complete the back shell action, will at the same time as the top bolt back a collision | underwent, was the top selling stuck until they were de-activate, and bolt it to complete before the shooting line top bullets loaded cycle process, which closed bolt designed to reduce vibration and significantly improve the percentage of hits.

G3 rifles (G3KA4):

銆??鍙e緞 - 7.62x51mm NATO

Length - 1025mm

Barrel length - 450mm

Full weight - 440g

Magazine capacity - 20

Longer history of this series of rifles, originated in the late World War II German Mauser company to create a kind of rifle with a simple structure and began to consider the roller locking system. Several of the company technicians after the war to continue research work on the final results from the H / K company to test and production. H/K鍏徃瀵笴ETME鍨嬫鏋繘琛屾敼鑹箣鍚庯紝渚夸互G3(Gewehr3:3鍨嬫鏋?鐨勫悕绉板弬鍔犺繖椤规祴璇曘? In West Germany, organized by the military tests, a total of G1, G2 and G3 rifles join the competition of these three, the result H / K's G3 win, rifle in 1959, became West Germany's military standard rifle. In its prototype gun CETME G3 rifles, based on improved when the diameter to 7.62mmx51. Since the ammunition used in the power of G3 is too heavy, so automatic continuous shooting mode, you want to control the stability of a good gun is quite difficult.

M1014 semi-automatic shotgun (M1014):

銆??鍙e緞 - 9/70銆?/76

Length - 1011mm

銆??鏋闀?- 470mm

銆??鍏ㄩ噸 - 3800g

Magazine capacity - 9 / 8

U.S. Army Ordnance Research, Development and Engineering Center and the HK Company, Italy Benelli M1014 Combat signed the first production contract with a shotgun. M1014 semi-automatic shotguns for the conductive air, characterized by large-capacity magazine and folding butt, including a unique dual-piston action system. Barrel length 470 mm, gun shot wide when folded length 886 mm, length 1011 mm when open, empty weight of 3.8 kg. Magazine can be loaded: 70 mm or 76 mm shotgun shotgun 9 Fat Fat 8. Use "phantom" ring sights, the wind direction can be height adjustment. With the top casing to install MZL-STD-1013 sight of the guide.

SL8 tactical rifles (HKSL8-2):

Diameter - 5.56mm

銆??鍏ㄩ暱 - 970~1020mm

Barrel length - 480mm

Total weight - 4200g

Magazine capacity - 30

The HK company in the G36 series is based on the modified sports rifle, was designed mainly to launch .223 Remington match ammunition. SL8-2 with a fixed butt, frame rails can be installed above the battlefield or in a variety of games using the sights. SL8-2鏄敤SL8鏀硅繘鐨勬垬鏈瀷姝ユ灙锛屾垬浜変腑澶氬崐鐢ㄤ綔鐙欏嚮鎵嬫鍣ㄣ? SL8-2鍙兘瀹炴柦鍗婅嚜鍔ㄥ皠鍑汇? As the SL8-2 is for law enforcement agencies, a product of the prototype G36 is equipped with its standard 30 rounds magazine. In addition to install the G36 to provide skill sight, but also can install the same with the G36C Sight rail, install a sniper sight. SL8-2鏄嫏鍑绘墜浠渶鍠滄鐨勬鍣ㄤ箣涓??

M240G medium machine gun (M240G):

Diameter - 5.56mm

銆??鍏ㄩ暱 - 970~1020mm

Barrel length - 480mm

Total weight - 4200g

Magazine capacity - 30

M240G medium machine gun in the war in Iraq last year to show their talents, the post-war U.S. Marines reflect on their actual performance is quite satisfactory. Currently, U.S. troops are the machine guns replaced the old M60 GPMG. M240G medium machine gun firing 1,000 per minute rounds with a range of up to 1000 yards, the ground war is indeed an excellent weapon. In addition, enhanced by the U.S. Army soldiers (SEP) plan, starting from August 1997 on the equipment in the M240G magnification of 3 to 4 times the sight, which greatly enhance the operations of such weapons in the long-range effectiveness.浠嬩簬鍏跺嚭浼楃殑鏉?激鍔涳紝娴峰啗闄嗘垬闃熷徃浠ら儴灏嗗湪缇庡啗浣跨敤鐨勫彲瑁呭叆璐濆皵鐩村崌鏈虹殑鍐呰繍杞﹁締(ITV)閰嶅M240G涓瀷鏈烘灙銆?br />
Groza assault rifles (OTs-14 Groza):

Caliber - 7.62x39mm or 9x39mm

銆??鍏ㄩ暱 - 970~1020mm

Barrel length - 480mm

Total weight - 4200g

Magazine capacity - 30

Russian 5.45mm assault rifle had been in service AKS74U style for several years, but Russia and other countries have developed prototype development by AKS74U design, and with the same caliber, full-size very compact assault rifle. The most famous Russian weapons is the OTS-14-type "Groza", rifle for special forces use with 7.62mm caliber, firing 7.62x39mm bullet, but also for the Ministry of the Interior to use the 9mm caliber. 9x39mm bullets fired. Not asked all the advantages of the structure is very compact, long guns, but also can use the full barrel, which can be a weapon in close combat, motor vehicle operations and urban operations (MOUT) in the use of great convenience.

Combat Skills

As we all know, CS such a fun shooting a good game, its easy to get started, and so intense Hearty attracted many players, but from the point of view of authenticity, CS experience is not in the "Rainbow Six" series, followed the latter emphasizes the tactical development, control the overall situation, the real war with weapons, the group command even more crucial. Accept the "Rainbow Six 3: Shield" system, the data-chip design point of view in the war not have much of an improvement, but we obviously feel that the enemy AI computer upgrade, and your comrades, the Rainbow group of other soldiers become more flexible and smart. In this section, the author describes the game's combat skills, but only by virtue of the hands of Zhezhi humble pen is really difficult to express these things perfectly, good skills and practical experience have to rely on your own carefully explored in the game.

Rainbow SWAT team constituted by the following:

Commandos (ASSAULT)

Blasting soldiers (DEMOLITIONS)

Electrochemical engineering (ELECTRONICS)

Reconnaissance (RECON)

銆??鐙欏嚮鎵嬶紙SNIPER锛?br />
銆??褰╄櫣鍏ㄩ槦鍏辨湁缇庡浗銆佽嫳鍥姐?宸磋タ銆佸痉鍥界瓑绛夊浗绫嶇殑鐗圭鍏靛叡29鍚嶏紝鍏朵腑鐢锋?24鍚嶏紝濂虫?5鍚嶃? As a beginner, you need not to choose their own character, not to try to set the operational plan, because as a rookie novices, best girl, according to the computer the default plan to act hastily designed, only bad your appetite, mood ruin the game.涓?埇鑰岃█锛岀獊鍑婚槦鍛樻槸鎴樻枟鐨勪富鍔涳紝鍏朵綑鐨勯兘鏄墽琛岀壒瀹氫换鍔$殑閰嶈銆?Personnel tasks with flexibility according to the decision points in the indoor scene, many with flexible commandos, snipers but seems not very necessary, of course, is the scene if a larger house, a new piece of information such as the first single off the task Castello Grande in Milan, Italy, the scene in the castle, across the corridor of the enemy may suddenly attack you, then if there are snipers in the team, you do not rely on the assault team went across the corridor and its close-fight. The sniper's role in the outdoor environment, the performance was even more vividly, such as those snow scenes, as in this scene in Milan, Italy neighborhood, the distance can be accomplished quickly kills not only the task of pleasure shot headshot also loved by the players. Needless to say, on the removal of terrorist explosive devices set the task, the lack of blasting soldiers, electrochemical engineering is inconceivable, but the tasks that need to rescue the hostages, with the scouts on hand saves a lot. I also suggested that players can try to select those women in special forces involved in combat, they all are "Overlord Flower" type role, capacity is no less than men's minds, especially female players to play the game, and if then, huh, huh, Cannian ing ......

As a piece of information, the game must be installed on the computer already installed the "Shield" be carried out under the premise, in "Athena Sword" also did not set the training mode. If this is the beginning of the player, or proposed to return to the "Shield" to carry out basic training.涓庡叾鍦ㄦ父鎴忔姤鍒婁腑鑻﹁嫤瀵昏鎸囧崡鏂囩珷锛屽湪娓告垙璁哄潧閲屽洓澶勬悳绱㈤珮鎵嬪績寰楋紝杩樹笉濡傝?鐫??瀛愬ソ濂芥妸鍩烘湰璁粌鐨勫簳瀛愭墦濂斤紝杩欐牱浣犳墠鑳界湡姝d笂鎵嬶紝纭疄浣撲細鍒版父鎴忕殑榄呭姏銆?So to remind you, training can not be ignored!

The so-called CQC, Close quarters combat is the abbreviation, CQB who is the Close Quarters Battle mean, literally, appear to be the meaning of close combat, but one difference is big.

Military books and websites on the CQC is so explained, "including the difficult shooting / special weapons / equipment / use of explosive materials on the operational objectives of the judge selection and so on. Often by a small group of specially trained personnel to stationary or docked against the enemy targets, and to minimize losses in case of his job for the purpose of military action. "There is also an Urban Combat (Uc) of the concept, specifically to describe the fighting in the construction zone.

CQC standard training routine as follows:

First Class - 2 / Four eliminate single room; column exercise; lobby / channel eliminated; fast threatening the enemy; corner eliminated.

The second level - persons eliminate single room; team to grasp the situation; situation control; road to the crucial point; search; night assault.

銆??绗笁绾э紞锛嶅洓浜鸿們娓呭涓埧闂达紱闃熷憳涓脊澶勭疆 锛涚垎鐮达紱 绂诲幓/ 鎾ら? 銆?br />
Fourth grade - more than many teams eliminate room; coordination / also crucial.

銆??CQC鍗曟寚鍦ㄦ垬鍦轰笂锛屽弻鏂圭煭鍏电浉鎺ョ殑鎴樻枟杩囩▼锛岃?CQB鍒欏寘鍚簡鎴樻湳鍒跺畾銆佷汉鍛樻鍣ㄩ厤澶囪繖浜涚粏鑺傦紝褰撶劧涔熸兜鐩栦簡CQC鐨勫叏閮ㄣ? In addition, the real war, including logistical support, aid and so sick, this is beyond the scope of this game, skip the talk. "Athena Sword", and the whole "Rainbow Six" series is the performance of CQB pursue the concept, particularly as the main expression of CQC! CQC鐨勬爣鍑嗚缁冨唴瀹逛粠浣庡埌楂樼殑绾у埆瀹為檯灏辨槸娓告垙涓帺瀹舵按骞抽?娓愭彁楂樼殑杩囩▼锛屼篃鏄绯诲垪娓告垙鐜╁鑿滈笩鍜岄珮鎵嬬殑鍖哄埆鎵?湪銆?br />
Clarify these concepts, we can understand the essence of the game in order to better the game!


Game, the enemy in the dark, we in the open, newbies often just take the head, I do not know where the bullets were hitting. In the film "Enemy at the Gates (Enemy at the Gates)", we see the soldiers on the battlefield, all in one place if long-term fixed, that is simply waiting for the enemy's bullets, but a good sniper always change positions frequently . Therefore, the mobile is very critical. We know a simple truth, to hit the stationary object is very simple, but to hit the fast-moving objects is difficult. So move fast running as the main and side to observe the enemy movement, while looking for cover in buildings or objects, stop, stop when the running time, not bold offensive.

銆??娓告垙鐨勪富瑕佺晫闈㈡瘮杈冨鏉傦紝鐢婚潰涓婂洓涓钀戒互鍙婅澶氫綅缃兘鏄剧ず浜嗙绉嶄俊鎭? Settings in the game, we ask you to open all aspects of information display HUD to obtain information first-hand combat. Single task in addition to the start point must master the task, the battle difficult once the process is also the best guide for the wonderful and timely access to the task, rather like without a head, as rampant in the scene.


Mentioned earlier, the data piece in the AI area has increased, but you do not misunderstand your comrades are not self-protection, planning, or the most critical.浣滀负鍞竴鎺у埗鐨勬垬澹紝浣犺繕鏄涓嶆柇鍦板鎴樺弸鍙戝嚭鎸囦护锛屸?璺熸垜璧帮紒鈥濄?鈥滀繚鎸侀槦褰紒鈥濄?鈥滃師鍦颁笉鍔ㄣ?鈥濅粬浠珹I鐨勬彁楂樿〃鐜板湪瀵瑰懆鍥磋繘琛岃鎴掕兘鍔涚殑鎻愰珮锛屽挨鍏舵槸浣犵殑韬悗銆備絾涓庢鍚屾椂锛屾父鎴忎腑鐨勬亹鎬栧垎瀛怉I涔熷緱鍒颁簡鎻愰珮锛屼粬浠笉鍐嶅師鍦颁笉鍔紝瀵绘壘鐗╀綋鎺╂姢鑷繁锛岄?鐭ュ悓浼欏墠鏉ユ敮鎻淬? Comrade in arms is not furnished, a timely switch to change the control of soldiers, another person may have a better shooting position, perhaps at his point of view can find traces of others can not see the enemy. Open fire, many of these techniques is more collaborative eliminate the room reflects the importance of cooperation.

In addition to a variety of guns, grenades, C4 remote control bombs, flash mine, tear gas grenades, etc. Equipment is very useful secondary weapon, which some can kill more than one enemy, and some can be too close to the hostage along with the enemy play a role.鑰屾父鎴忎腑杩樻湁鍏充簬闄勫姞瑁呯疆鐨勮瀹氾紝澶у鍙互閫夋嫨娑堥煶鍣ㄣ?楂樺閲忓脊澶瑰拰鐑垚鍍忎华涓殑涓?锛岃繖鏍蜂綘鐨勬鍣ㄥ皢鍏锋湁鐗瑰埆鐨勯檮鍔犲姛鑳斤紝閫傚簲涓嶅悓鐨勭幆澧冨拰浠诲姟锛屼絾闇?娉ㄦ剰鐨勬槸锛岄檮鍔犺缃篃鍙兘褰卞搷姝﹀櫒鐨勬?鑳姐?闄や簡鏋姝﹀櫒澶栵紝蹇冭烦浼犳劅鍣ㄤ互鍙婂共鎵版満銆佸績璺宠櫄鎷熷彂鐢熷櫒銆丼A HB蹇冭烦浼犳劅鍣ㄥ共鎵版満銆佸績璺宠櫄鎷熷彂鐢熷櫒銆侀槻姣掗潰鍏峰嚑绉嶈澶囧湪娓告垙涓篃浼氱粡甯哥敤鍒帮紝寤鸿鏍规嵁浠诲姟鏉ョ伒娲婚?鎷╅厤澶囥?




銆??銆婇泤鍏稿涔嬪墤銆嬩腑娣诲姞浜?6寮犳柊鍦板浘锛屽叾涓?寮犱换鍔″湴鍥俱?5寮犺仈鏈哄湴鍥撅紝杩樻湁3寮犳槸鏉ヨ嚜杩囧幓褰╄櫣绯诲垪涓渶鍙楁杩庣殑鍦板浘锛屽垎鍒槸鑻卞浗澶у銆佽タ浼埄浜氶洩鍦板拰鍦伴搧绔欍?璁捐灏忕粍涓嶄粎閲嶆柊璁╃粡鍏稿湴鍥惧洖鍒颁簡娓告垙涓紝杩樺鍦板浘鍋氫簡涓?簺鐩稿叧鐨勬敼杩涖?鍦?绉嶈仈鏈烘父鎴忔ā寮忎腑锛屸?淇樿幏锛圕apture the Enemy锛夆?鍜屸?鏁㈡锛圞amikaze锛夆?鏄袱绉嶅叏鏂扮殑娓告垙妯″紡锛屽姞涓婁袱绉嶈?鐨勬ā寮忥紝鑱旀満閮ㄥ垎鍏峰浜嗙浉褰撻珮鐨勮叮鍛虫?鍜屾寫鎴樻?銆?br />


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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photoshop beauty oily skin making ideas

This Photoshop tutorial is to provide ideas, do not remove dead dogma, if you think that picture material pixels too low, users may wish to use their photos, along with the author's ideas to create, see whether it can shine effect.

Look at the renderings and artwork:

Effect Picture


1, open the original image in CS3.

Figure 1

Copy layer, image - adjustment - the shadow / highlight, set in Figure:

Figure 2

2, use your best at the technical dermabrasion require relentless grind, do not consider what texture, texture.

Figure 3

3, switch to LAB mode (Image - Mode-LAB color), select the lightness channel, Ctrl + A Select All, Ctrl + C Copy.

Figure 4

4, Back to the Layers panel, a new layer, Ctrl + V paste the lightness channel, add the mask, a mask with a bucket filled with black, change the layer transparency;

Select the brush tool, white, and reduce the opacity of the brush and flow, slowly clashes skin, white skin.

Figure 5

Rub well and then change the layer transparency, not looked like one dead white skin.

Figure 6

5 to be cleaned stop loading mask constituency, tuning curves, making the skin more fair.

Figure 7

6, back to RGB mode, back layer, copy the green channel.

Figure 8

7, implementation of the filter - Other - High contrast retention, as shown:

Figure 9

8, then the implementation of images - using image, model: light.

Figure 10

9, the implementation of two application images, will channel a marquee, anti-selection.

Figure 11

10, back to layers panel, select the back layer, Ctrl + J copy the constituency, the implementation of curve, the skin looks crystal clear through shaving.

Figure 12

11, back layer, the implementation of the image - calculated, as shown:

Figure 13

12, implementation of the filter - Artistic Effects - Plastic packaging.

Figure 14

13, then the Executive Levels

Figure 15

14, Ctrl + Alt + ~ extract high-light part of the curve adjustment with high light.

Figure 16

Finally back layer, add mask, brush and clashes with the high-light, basically completed.

Figure 17

Finally, you can add borders decorated according to personal preference. Final results!

Effect Picture

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Xu Zhidong: direct sales to distributors is a breakthrough in quantitative change to qualitative cha

Respondents: TongTech Vice President Xu Zhidong
Interviewer: China's Tian vertical ring network software

TongTech Vice President Xu Zhidong

Orient Technologies since its inception in 1992, has been engaged in middleware and VSP (Vertical Solution Package) software, such as infrastructure development and technology promotion, for the growth of domestic technology software has laid a good foundation. In the past 15 years, the East through direct sales model has been adopted. 2007 began, the East through clear their goals and start the transition to the product company established distribution system, complete from the pure direct sales model to the distribution pattern of the conversion. Beijing New Poly Information Technology Co., Ltd. as Eastern thought through the first distributor to complete the internal part of the market, then pass to open up further to help the East European market. In 1980, SYNNEX in the United States was founded as the world's largest IT product supply chain integrator, working to assemble electronic products, service, distribution and e-commerce, ranking among the top 50 distributors in the third bit. SYNNEX in December 1999 established a wholly-owned investment in Beijing - Beijing New JUCCCE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SYNNEX-China).

The cooperation of both sides can further regulate the market, so that business processes more clearly, responsibilities, rights and interests further clarified. In China, only a few software companies making the product the company's transformation, and for new ideas such internationally renowned polymer distributors, the domestic software enterprises in cooperation with the first of its kind. For the bilateral cooperation, which each are constantly explored. Eastern end of the year through 2-3 at home to reach the sole distributor, in order to better complete the distribution model and the market has also conducted a series of adjustments to actively cooperate with the distribution pattern of development. Ongoing recruitment of two distributors. Next, in cooperation with partners, will further attention, A-level strategic partnerships for projects underway, in various regions and industries to find the top ten enterprises in the relevant cooperation. This distribution pattern is the first step SI in the field, hope by the end of 2007 to reach this goal.

Internal adjust to changes in distribution patterns

The East through the direct sales model to the distribution pattern of the change process, acknowledges the Hui short-term margins are the result falls, firms seem to have better pressure, the product demands would increase, But understand that if integrase new channel model will be to lead to further upgrade the East Pass. In order to adapt to channel changes, the East Pass were also in many fields within a certain amount of adjustment. First, in product areas, will enable the product coding system. Second, at the technical level has also been adjusted accordingly. Once again, set the product, will have R & D, Products, Consulting parallel up several departments. Meanwhile, sales have fundamentally changed, the original sales ideas, sales model, sales practices, require a corresponding increase. With the company's entire business process changes, the market focus has shifted, the East Pass will pay more attention to branding. Of course, in detail, but also a lot of adjustments, which will be the East through the future focus of work for some time.

The brand will not give up services

Distribution system set up, the East will continue their service through the advantage, the content and type of change does not occur. And the corresponding expansion, such as customer service center for a 400 number, to achieve a 7 X 24 hotline service. Distribution system set up, I believe the product will promote the East through the government, transportation, energy industry coverage. Meanwhile, the establishment of distribution system, making the East through the existing sales force to better serve large customers and key customers. In the future, the East Pass will be more focused on product refinement, practical, easy to use technology to make products more suited to the characteristics of Chinese enterprises.

National software can do better

In the market, the East Pass and IBM, BEA than winning or losing each other. First, the channel construction, the East through relatively late start, IBM, BEA has an earlier start, more mature channel construction. Hope that in 2007, the East through the construction of the channels will catch up with IBM, BEA. From the product perspective, based middleware products, in particular messaging middleware, IBM middleware products whose sales account for 40%, 30% pass in the east, is a very important one. Currently the East Pass is backward, hoping to catch up with IBM. Transaction middleware products, has been a major market share BEA, IBM shares very little hope of a place in the East Pass. The integration of products, since the application of different users, different requirements, the East Pass and the competitors are in the exploratory stage. Of course, the East through more IBM, BEA or brand on a certain gap, this will be the East through the future development goals, as the nation as middleware software for the field of international brand.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Youtube Movie to M4V Box

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Magicbit iPod video converter

*Magicbit iPod video Converter is the best video converter for your iPod. rapidly convert popular video formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP, etc to iPod video with the perfect output quality. And it provides a powerful way to convert audio files including WAV, WMV, MP2, AC3, RA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc to iPod supported MP3, M4A. It also supports output of new video iPod 30G/80G MPEG-4 video at 640 by 480 resolution. Compared with other similar software, It has many additional features: 1. In the new 4.0 version, a large number of new features have been added . For example, it supports APE and CUE decoding, audio CD ripping, and the wizard was added. Zoom and split functions were added. 2. It offers multithreading and batch conversion. You can select all files you want to convert and this converter will automatically encode them one by one even if these files use different settings. 3. It can provide >200% converting speed, so fast beyond your imagination; 4. It supports more than English, you can choose what language you like to use. 5. The software is integrated with all video/audio encoders/codecs. Users can convert all supported formats once download the program. 6. All properties and settings are displayed in the interface. Users can see the file properties and settings without opening another window. All settings can be easily set in the interface or keep them default etc.. 7. Some new iPod Touch video formats were added to output options. It’s much more convenient to output videos supported by iPod Touch. What an excellent product! This software is capable of converting so many format effortlessly, finishing all your tasks with the fastest speed possible and the best quality available.


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